VI design for PARIS. K (Paris Koutsavelis), an eyewear designer based in Greece. 
PARIS. K explores new forms of eyewear through a creative and technical development process. 
Design is based on bold and sharpe curved lines inspired by the shape of eyewear frames, expresses the precise development process and a creative and radical attitude in explore of newness.
ギリシャを拠点に活動するアイウェアデザイナーPARIS. K(Paris Koutsavelis)のVIデザイン。 PARIS. Kは創造的かつ技術的な開発プロセスを通じて、新しいアイウェアの在り方を探究しています。 
Role: Visual identity design
Client: PARIS.K / @parisk___
Creation year: 2022
Image courtesy: ©PARIS.K
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