Tituli Veritatis™
Performs exceptionally well in titles and short captions, with refined sharp proportions and a swash of curves like calligraphy.
Tituli Veritatis™︎ (Latin for "Title of Truth") is a custom display font inspired by the Carolingian Renaissance, a period that laid the foundation for modern alphabetic forms, influenced by medieval thought and Christianity. The design has curves like calligraphy, refined sharp proportions, and good readability, performs exceptionally in large sizes such as titles and short captions rather than body text, beautifully and unique way highlighting titles that express truth and essence. And as a long-term your design asset, it brings a fresh optional effect.
Tituli Veritatis™︎ also pays homage to the historical tradition where medieval clergy and scribes adorned the initials of body text in “Illuminated manuscripts” creation to glorify God. Additionally, the three elements - ornamental letters, uppercase, and lowercase - reflect the concept of the Trinity in medieval thought.
These processes reinterpreted type that inherits culture and thought from my own perspective. And by combining modern serif typography with historical approaches, it explores artistic and intellectual possibilities within the alphabet. As well as marking the first step toward a new frontier in type design.
Tituli Veritatis™︎ (ラテン語「真実の題」)は、中世思想、そしてキリスト教が中心となり近代アルファベット書式の起源を築いたカロリング・ルネサンス期に着想を得たディスプレイ用カスタムフォントです。カリグラフィーのような曲線、シャープなプロポーション、可読性を備えたデザインは、本文よりもタイトル、ショートキャプションなどの大きなサイズでパフォーマンスを発揮し、プロジェクトにおける真実や本質を示す題を独特なタッチで美しく際立たせます。また、長期的なデザインアセットとして新鮮なオプション効果をもたらします。
Tituli Veritatis™︎は、中世の聖職者や写字生が神の栄光を増すために装飾写本などで本文の頭文字を装飾した歴史のオマージュでもあり、装飾文字、大文字、小文字の3要素は、中世思想における三位一体の概念を反映しています。

Font information
[ Price ]
$124,00 / Limited to 12 copies.
4 sold, 8 remaining.
[ Desktop License ]
Brand Identity
Social Media
Digital Images
[ Format ]
[ Glyphs ]
Uppercase: 26
Lowercase: 26
Ornamental Letters: 26
Numbers: 10
Symbols: 36
Total: 124
[ Style ]
1 Style-Regular
[ Data Size]
127 KB
[ Recommended design environment ]
Adobe software: Character panel > Kerning mode > Metrics
Adobe software: 文字パネル > カーニングモード > メトリクス
[ Usage ]
Option + Shift + A-Z: Ornamental letters
Order form
Once I receive your order, I will provide you with the details within 24 hours. If you have any questions regarding your order, please feel free to contact me at the email address below.
Limited to 12 copies. For designers and creators only. Available until sold out.
Thank you for your order.
[ Disclaimer & Prohibited Actions ]
This font may be used for both personal and commercial purposes, including trademarks and logo designs. However, Soki Asano shall not be held responsible for any legal issues or disputes with third parties arising from the use of this font. Any issues arising from the use of this font must be addressed by the customer. Additionally, this font is provided "as is" without any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or error-free operation. In the event that the customer loses the font data after purchase, it will not be re-provided, so please store it safely.
Unauthorized reproduction, resale, and redistribution of this font are strictly prohibited. While it is permitted to sell designs or products created using this font, the font file itself must not be transferred or shared with any third party.
本フォントは、個人および商業利用(商標やロゴデザインを含む)でご利用いただけます。ただし、本フォントの使用により発生した法的問題や第三者との紛争について、Soki Asanoは一切の責任を負いかねます。本フォント使用において問題が生じた場合は、お客様側でご対応をお願いいたします。また、本フォントは現状有姿で提供されており、特定の目的への適合性やエラーのない動作について保証いたしかねます。 ご購入後、お客様側でフォントデータを紛失した場合、データは再提供いたしかねますので大切に保管ください。
本フォントの無断複製、転売、再配布を固く禁止いたします。 本フォントを使用したデザインや製品の販売は可能ですが、フォントファイル自体を第三者に譲渡、共有することはできません。